Kuwait: Your Kuwaiti Visa Medical at IPSA
Your application for your Kuwaiti work visa involves IPSA producing a written medical report and carrying out a number of tests. If you opt for an expedited report, then this will be ready 72 working hours after the time of your Kuwaiti visa medical at IPSA.
Your IPSA Kuwaiti visa medical: What tests are involved?
Your Kuwaiti visa medical involves a full medical examination and a discussion of your medical history, followed by these additional tests:
How long does it take for my results to be finalised?
Unless you take up the option of the expedited service, then the results can take up to twelve working days.
IPSA’s visa medicals for Kuwait come at highly competitive rates
Standard Kuwaiti visa medical (for men): £300
Kuwaiti visa medical with TBQ: £360
Kuwaiti visa medical with TBQ and chest X-ray: £440
Are there any additional charges?
If you are over 40 (or if it is clinically indicated), you will also require an ECG, which is available for £90.
If you are over 50, then your prospective employer might also require a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test to be carried out, which is available for £90.
If you have a history of diabetes, then you may also require an HbA1c test, which costs £90.
When you arrive at your IPSA clinic for your Kuwaiti visa medical, please bring your original passport with you to confirm your identity and one passport-sized photograph.
Call your IPSA visa medical clinic today to book your same-day Kuwaiti visa medical, or book online.