Our clinics are pleased to work with doctors who are experienced in gynaecological health and a female doctor is available every day at the clinic.
We can help diagnose a broad range of gynaecological complaints and recommend blood tests and ultrasound and gynaecological referrals where necessary. The following areas can be assessed and examined
Blood pregnancy tests
This is a serum (blood) test to measure the levels of HCG in your blood. This is a hormone that is released from the developing embryo and can be detected in your blood stream approximately 11 days after conceiving. This test can be used as a definite confirmation of pregnancy or to estimate how far along the pregnancy may be. We also offer a referral if you do not want to continue with your pregnancy. We will organise an appointment with Marie Stopes clinic and we will support you through the process.
Female hormone testing
In women hormone testing can be used to detect diabetes, thyroid disorders and gynaecological conditions like polycystic ovaries and menopause/fertility problems. The test is useful when the consultation points at a hormonal imbalance being the cause of certain clinical symptoms like, increased thirst, with loss/gain, acne, excess hair or hair loss, abnormal periods, or fertility problems.
Our fertility consultation includes an in depth review of you gynaecology history and you and your partners sexual history.
Our consultation would aim to rule out any medical problems which may be affecting your fertility or preventing conception. As part of the investigations we would recommend a Full blood count and a hormonal blood screen and possibly an STI screen. As further investigations we would recommend and refer for an USS. Based on your results we can then organise a specialist referral in necessary