
Female Hormone Testing

Female hormone testing at your IPSA clinic

In women, hormone testing is used to detect thyroid issues, diabetes and gynaecological issues such as fertility problems, the menopause and polycystic ovaries. Hormone testing is useful when your IPSA consultation points to a hormonal imbalance as the cause of clinical symptoms (e.g. an increased thirst, unusual weight loss/gain, excess hair, hair loss, acne, fertility problems or abnormal periods).
Your IPSA clinic offers a wide range of hormone tests, including:

  • Anti-mullerian hormone
  • Female hormone profile
  • Cortisol hormone profile
  • FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone)
  • HRT profile
  • Progesterone hormone
  • Menopause hormone profile
  • Prolactin hormone
  • Oestradiol hormone
  • Sex-binding immunoglobulin
  • Thyroid hormone
  • Testosterone hormone


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