
Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is considered as the best hair-removal technique that is currently available, which is why your IPSA skin clinic offers this procedure. Laser hair removal is safe and medically proven as a long-term solution for unwanted hair. It is the quickest, gentlest and most advanced hair-removal method available today. It is more effective that the other hair-removal methods.

How does laser hair-removal work?

This type of hair removal works through focusing the laser light on the base of your hair follicles, and this causes them to stop growing. The light from the laser is attracted to melanin (the dark pigment) in your hair. The melanin acts as a conductor, with the energy from the laser travelling down to the root of your hair follicle dispersing as thermal energy. This process damages the base of your hair follicle, leaving it unable to grow hair so quickly. With further treatments, the growth rate decreases even more.

Will the laser hair-removal procedure work on all types of hair?

Laser hair removal will be effective on both your body and facial hair. This includes large areas such as on your legs and back. As the laser targets melanin, which is a dark pigment, the treatment is not as effective for grey, blonde or white hair.

Will my laser hair-removal treatment at my IPSA skin clinic hurt?

Laser hair removal can produce mild pain as the laser pulse is applied to your skin. This feeling is usually very brief, lasting for only a fraction of a second, as it happens when the hair-removal laser is applied to your skin producing brief ‘pulses’. Your IPSA skin specialist will use cool air and will apply ice to any sensitive areas to reduce any possible discomfort. However, most of IPSA’s clients do not report having any discomfort during their laser hair-removal treatment.

How long should I wait between hair-removal sessions?

At your IPSA skin clinic, your IPSA specialist will recommend doing the first three to four hair-removal treatments at specific intervals and this depends on the areas you are having treated. The usual cycle is from four to six weeks. This is so that your IPSA specialist can catch and kill the majority of your hair when it is in its growth cycle.

How will I know when I should attend my IPSA skin clinic for my next treatment?

After you have lost more than half of your hair, your IPSA skin specialist will advise you about observing any new hair growth. When you notice new hair growth (stubble), you should book your next hair-removal appointment within a week. The timeframe for new growth varies from person to person and also depends on the area being treated.

Will my laser hair-removal treatment be permanent?

With the recommended course of hair-removal treatments, an average of 80 to 95% of your lasered hair will be permanently gone, whereas if you pluck, wax or shave, your hair will always grow back. If you have the laser hair-removal treatment course, you never need to shave or wax again.

Are there side effects from laser hair removal?

Laser treatments have been proven as extremely safe. However, in some instances, minor side effects can occur that usually resolve quickly. These include some irritation/reddening of your skin in the few days post-treatment. Redness often resolves within three days following treatment, as does any swelling. If either of these issues last more than three days, then contact your IPSA skin specialist for advice. Another normal side effect is a tingling sensation around your treated areas.

There are some unusual and rare side effects: bruising, changes in pigmentation and the formation of crusts/scabs. Your IPSA skin specialist will highlight all of the side effects, discussing them with you during your laser hair-removal consultation.

What after-care steps do I need to take?

Your IPSA skin specialist will recommend avoiding any heat treatments (e.g. saunas, hot baths and steam rooms) for at least 24 to 48 hours following hair removal.
Both the sun and sun-bed use must be avoided for 30 days pre- and post-treatment, and to reduce risk, a factor 30+ sunscreen should be used.
You can, however, use fake tanning products two weeks either side of your laser hair-removal treatment, but these must be removed entirely before your next session.

Should I grow my hair for my IPSA skin clinic consultation?

Ideally, you should have short and visible hair when you come for your IPSA consultation so that your IPSA skin specialist can advise you regarding your hair type and thus offer you the most appropriate hair-removal treatment.
You do not need to grow your hair out when having regular treatments and you can shave your hair as often as you want, as it won’t affect your results.

To book your IPSA laser hair-removal consultation, call your IPSA skin clinic or make your booking online.