A healthy diet is a diet based on starchy foods (e.g. rice and pasta), plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, a few protein-rich foods (e.g. fish, lean meat and lentils) and a few dairy products. A healthy diet includes low levels of fat, sugar and salt. This type of diet will provide you with all of the nutrients you need.
Having regular exercise may help you to lose weight and to lower your risk in terms of developing major chronic diseases. The recommendation is for 30 minutes of moderately intense physical activity for five (or more) days each week to maintain your health. Even a little activity lowers your risk levels for major chronic diseases (e.g. strokes, coronary heart disease, some types of cancer and Type 2 diabetes) by up to 50 percent, and can reduce your risk of a premature death by 20–30 percent.
The benefits of exercise: